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HM Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the UK and the other Commonwealth Realms

The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for your recent letter with which you enclosed a special commemorative edition of your book. The Queen was touched by your thoughtfulness in sending her a copy of your book, and greatly appreciated your kind words.

Mike O'Keefe Custodian, Official Royal Image Library of HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

Thank you for sending me a copy of your most amazing book I think I have ever seen to do with The Queen, it is absolutely incredible. I have also received a phone call from Christopher Sandamas at Buckingham Palace as well to say that he has received his copy and we were both in absolute amazement in the books quality, well done to you and your team.


I have taken my copy of the book and placed it in our display cabinet rather than the archive as I think it is far too beautiful to not be shown to others. The content of the book is also superb so all I can say is congratulations on producing a truly wonderful book.

HRH Prince Bandar bin Salman Al Saud, Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

I was especially pleased to receive a copy of this edition. I will review and read this edition carefully.

HM Queen Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands

On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, I wish to thank you most sincerely for sending the special commemorative edition. The Queen has greatly appreciated receiving this wonderful book!

HM King Albert II, King of Belgium

His Majesty The King duly received the special commemorative edition. The King, who was touched by your friendly attention, asked me to express you His warmest thanks for this very good documented work. He will read with keen interest.

HM King Mohammed VI, King of Morocco

I was delighted to receive a copy of the special commemorative edition. I should like to thank you for your kind initiative, and to commend you for this valuable, well documented publication. It highlights the prominent landmarks and outstanding achievements.

HRH Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, United Kingdom

The Prince of Wales has asked me to thank you for the book. His Royal Highness was touched that you thought of him in the way that you did and looks forward very much to dipping into your book at the earliest opportunity.

HRH Duchess of Kent, United Kingdom

The Duchess of Kent has asked me to thank you for the lovely book you have sent her. She was delighted to receive it and will get much enjoyment from reading it.

HE Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohamed Al Khalifa, Minister of the Royal Court, Bahrain

On behalf of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, I wish to thank you for the complimentary copy of the special commemorative edition. It certainly is a well documented and properly illustrated volume. Collecting the information from reliable sources and displaying it in such a clear and conducive manner is certainly to your credit. 

President Donald Trump, President of the United States of America

Thank you for taking the time to express your support and send a thoughtful gift. I am continually inspired by the generous spirit of proud Americans like you. My Administration is focused on promoting freedom and opportunity so that our Nation continues to thrive. I will never stop fighting for the values that we cherish. Your steadfast support means a great deal to Melania and me.

Ivanka Trump, Advisor to the President of the United States of America

Thank you so much for the book. It was wonderful to look back at so many momentous achievements. Over the last few years, we have worked to champion issues that better the lives of every individual, and we will continue to strive for the prosperity and well-being of all Americans. We have paved new pathways and provided tremendous opportunities for success, and we will not stop until every American is propelled to new heights. Thank you again for your generosity.

President Barack Obama, President of the United States of America

I would like to extend my deepest thanks for your kind gift. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are much appreciated.

President Enrique Pena Nieto, President of Mexico

The head of the Federal Executive congratulates the editorial team for their commitment and professionalism shown in this edition.

Erwin Lino Zárate Private Secretary. President of the Republic of Mexico

The President of the United Mexican States, Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto wants to thank you for the books you sent. The President wishes to express his appreciation of the quality of the publications of Brooklands New Media Ltda, in addition to being a way to bring culture and education to all the readers.

HE Ivan Duque Marquez President of Colombia

I am pleased to inform you that we have received a copy of your publication. We appreciate your kind gesture.

President Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia

Greetings from the President of the Republic Mr. Juan Manuel Santos and appreciation for sending the special edition. The President recognizes and values the great editorial.

President Mulatu Teshome Wirtu, President of Ethiopia

I would like to thank you for your special commemorative edition. Please allow me to extend my sincere gratitudes to you on behalf of the Government and People of Ethiopia, and on my own behalf for the excellent presentation.

HRH Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Thank you most warmly for sending the copy of your special commemorative edition. The Crown Prince appreciated receiving this most interesting publication.

Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

This is a very special publication and is wonderfully portrayed. I am most honoured to receive this book which will be treasured in 10 Downing Street.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada

This exquisite publication certainly promises to be an interesting read, and I will enjoy having the opportunity to look at the vast variety of photos. Please know that this book is a welcome addition to my personal library. Thank you for the thoughtful gift.

HE Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister of Kurdistan

I am writing to you on behalf of His Excellency Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani and myself to thank you for your letter and complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. His Excellency the Prime Minister and I would like to take this opportunity to commend you on your professionalism and valuable input in this project.

Private Secretary to the Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China

Thank you for your letter to the Chief Executive, enclosing the publication. Your kind thought in sending us a copy of the commemorative publication is much appreciated.

Mr J Y Pillay, Chairman of the Council of Presidential Advisors, Singapore President's Office

Thank you. A very impressive and inspiring publication. 

HE Ahmed Juma Al Zaabi, Ministry of Presidential Affairs, UAE

Thank you for the copy of Brooklands New Media’s commemorative edition. This beautifully presented book manages to capture much of what His Highness has achieved. It will be a welcome new addition to any library.

HE Ahmad bin Abdullah bin Zaid Al-Mahmoud, Deputy Prime Minister, Qatar

I am writing this letter to express my thanks to you for sending me a copy of your special commemorative edition. I find it useful and interesting, and it will certainly be a great pleasure to go through it. I am looking forward to other future publications of similar value.

HE Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister, Bahrain

We would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for the complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. We have found this publication highly interesting.

Chief of Staff Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Iraq

We would like to thank you for your efforts on producing the special global industry publication.

Dr. Husain Al-Shahristani Deputy Prime Minister, Republic of Iraq

I have received with pleasure and appreciation my complimentary copy of your special commemorative publication. I would like to congratulate you on the high professional skills that are evidenced in editing and producing this document, which I personally highly value.

HE Mohammed Al Bowardi, General Secretariat of the Executive Council, UAE

I would like to thank you and congratulate you on the effort you exerted to produce this important publication. 

HE Eng. Khalid Al-Otaibi, Secretary General at the Council of Saudi Chambers, Saudi Arabia

It was indeed my pleasure to receive such special publication from Booklands New Media Ltd. I found it very informative and interesting. I really appreciate a lot. I take this opportunity to congratulate you and your whole team by successfully publishing and sharing this information.

Mr. Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia

I commend you and all those associated with the production of this quality publication. Rest assured I will draw the publication to the attention of relevant Ministers and agencies for their consideration of what will be a most interesting read. Your thoughtful gesture in making a copy of the commemorative edition available to the Western Australian Government is much appreciated, and I extend to you my best wishes.

HE Muhammad Salahuddin, Head of the State of Sarawak, Malaysia

I am personally honoured and would like to express my appreciation for your undivided recognition and admiration that leads to your successful publication.

HE Abdul Rahman Abbas, Head of the State of Penang, Malaysia

I have been directed by His Excellency The Head of State of Penang to convey his utmost appreciation and sincere thank you for kindly sending a copy of your commemorative edition.

HE Governor Shekhar Dutt, Governor of Chhattisgarh, India

Thank you very much for sending us a copy. I am directed to congratulate all those who have been involved in bringing out this edition.

HRH Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Governor of Al-Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Thank you very much for your letter and your special commemorative edition. I found this edition to be very valuable and interesting, and thank you for the effort and time put into it.

Regina Alffonso de Carvalho Private Secretary, Governor of The State of Bahia, Brazil

In the name of his excellency Governor Jacques Wagnor we would like to express our gratitude for the publication. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the quality and relevance of the edition

General Sir David Richards, Chief of Defence Staff, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom

Thank you very much for sending me a complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. It is indeed a very special publication, which has been beautifully published, and is a most fitting tribute. You should be hugely proud of it, and please do pass on my congratulations to the author.


I have enjoyed greatly reading it and studying the photographs. It will take pride of place in my office for my visitors to see and peruse.

Mr. Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense, United States of America

Thank you for your letter and the beautiful commemorative edition. It was a very thoughtful gift, and will be a valued addition to our library.

Mr. Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery of France

I thank you for sending me this commemorative edition which I read with great interest. 

Mr. Mehmet Simsek, Minister of Finance, Republic of Turkey

I am writing to extend my personal thanks to you for sending me a copy. It has been a pleasure reading this special commemorative edition. I am hoping that you will continue producing these groundbreaking publications.

HRH Prince Salman bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Deputy Defence Minister, Saudi Arabia

I have read the book published by Brooklands New Media. I would like, on this occasion, to thank you for this valuable gift and acknowledge with gratitude the remarkable efforts of all those who have contributed to this publication.

Mr. Ali Al-Naimi, Minister of Petroleum & Mineral Resources, Saudi Arabia

Thank you for sending me the book. It is a very nice book, beautifully presented, and I appreciate the time and effort taken to prepare the publication.

HE Sultan J. Shawli, Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources Saudi Arabia

I acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of your letter along with a copy of your special commemorative edition. We find this publication a useful source of information and appreciate your kind efforts and consideration in sending us the publication.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Jasser, Minister of Economy & Planning, Saudi Arabia

Thank you very much for your letter and the copy of the special commemorative edition.

I have found the book quite informative with prolific highlights of the giant company’s progress and achievements.

HRH Prince Nawaf bin Faisal bin Fahad bin Abdulaziz, President General of Youth Welfare, Saudi Arabia

Thank you very much for your letter and for the wonderful special commemorative edition, which reflects a very fine quality of work in terms of appearance and content. I do appreciate your kind initiative of providing me with a copy of such most valuable publication.

Sheikh Khalid bin Omar bin Said Al Marhoon, Minister of Civil Service, Oman

With great appreciation I have received the complimentary copy of the special commemorative edition. I would like to express my highest admiration of the book referred to above, and of the topics therein contained, appreciating the efforts made to create this publication.

HE Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Al Saidi, Minister of Health, Oman

Thank you very much for the complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. We are grateful to you and Brooklands New Media for this splendid publication. It is much cherished by us.

HE Hassan bin Abdullah Al-Ghanim, Minister of Justice, Qatar

I would like to thank you for this kind gesture, and let me congratulate you for this fantastic publication.

HE Dr. Abdullah bin Saleh Al Khulaifi, Minister of Labour & Social Affairs, Qatar

I am pleased to receive a complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. I really enjoyed reading through this edition that I found rather interesting. 

Dr. Akef Alzoubi, Minister of Agriculture, Jordan

I extend to you my sincere thanks for your dedication to me for the valuable edition.

Dr. Ahmad Ziadat, Minister of State for the Prime Minister's Affairs, Jordan

I received with great appreciation the complimentary copy. I would like to seize this opportunity to thank you for this valuable and interesting edition. 

Ong Ye Kung Minister of Education, Singapore

Thank you very much for the book. It will be on my meeting table.

Office of H.E. Dr. Anwar Mohammed Gargash Minister of State for Foreign Affairs & Minister of State for Federal National Council Affairs, UAE

Dr. Anwar Gargash asked me to write and thank you for sending your recent publication to him. He has enjoyed the book very much and will continue to enjoy it.

Dr. Taleb Abd Awda, Director of the Minister of Justice Office, Republic of Iraq

His Highness the Minister received a copy of the Edition. He would like to express his sincere thanks and his gratitude for your efforts in preparing this publication.

Air Marshal M. Wigston Deputy Commander Royal Air Force (RAF)

Thank you for the very kind gift. It is a beautiful book which captures the remarkable history of our Service and the men, women and machines who made it happen. It is a truly fitting tribute and a wonderful memento.

Air Vice Marshal Matar Ali Matar Al-Obaidani Commander of the Royal Air Force of Oman

I am extremely delighted and grateful to receive a complimentary copy of your special edition.

I really liked reading this brilliant and informative book. The tremendous efforts made in extensive research and study by you and your staff in publishing this book is highly commendable.

Rear Admiral Abdullah bin Khamis bin Abdullah Al Raisi, Commander of the Royal Navy of Oman

I would like to express my utmost appreciation and profound gratitude for sending a complimentary copy. This is a great evident of the unlimited efforts and hard work put into the publication of this beautiful book. We greatly appreciate your endeavor.

HE Abdulaziz Abdullah Al Hinai, Ambassador of Oman, United Kingdom

I acknowledge receiving with thanks your complimentary copy of your special VIP commemorative publication. I appreciate your efforts; the book is very interesting and valuable.

HE Erlan Idrissov, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United Kingdom

I am writing to thank you for your recent publication. It is gratifying that you as a prominent UK publisher decided to dedicate your major independent publication to my country. I commend the book as an extremely well captured and eloquently narrated life story. The copies of the book that you kindly sent to the Embassy will be distributed to our political, business, and cultural contacts in the United Kingdom.

HE Mazan Homoud, Ambassador of Jordan, United Kingdom

Thank you very much indeed for sending me a complimentary copy of the commemorative book. It was a generous and thoughtful gift which I enjoyed reading.

HE Mr. Ahmet Demirok, Turkish Ambassador, United Kingdom

I wish to express how honored I have been to receive the preview of such a prestigious publication. It is a pleasure to read. I congratulate you once again for producing such a high end publication. I am sure your work will provide an invaluable guide to those who want to be well informed.

Mr. Abdulrahman G. Almutaiwee, Ambassador for the UAE, United Kingdom

Thank you very much for a copy of your book. It is a truly outstanding publication and I would like to congratulate you for your great thoughts in producing such a wonderful work. I am very much looking forward to being able to read it.

HE Fakhraddin Gurbanov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan, United Kingdom

I would like to express my gratitude for the complimentary copy of the special commemorative edition. The book has found a proper place in the embassy’s library.

Mr. Fernando Panesso, Ambassador of Turkey, Colombia

I have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt for the wonderful publication that I received today. This document is very interesting and it will be very appreciated in this Mission. 

HE Saleh Mohammad Al-Ghamdi, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, Italy

I received with thanks and appreciation the complimentary copy of your special publication. I want to express my admiration to the historical details and the magnificent photos. The work you did is commendable and outstanding.

HE Abdulrahman S. AlHadlg, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, Denmark

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you for sending me the special edition. I deeply appreciate receiving this exceptional work. I was delighted to take a look of it and I can see that the content is very valuable.

HE Dr. Saud Mohammed Al Sati, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, India

I have received a copy of your special commemorative edition. I would like to thank you for sending me this valuable special edition. I shall read it with great interest.

HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, Spain

Many thanks for the copy of the special publication. It is indeed a very valuable publication. I wish to congratulate you for the excellent presentation and the praiseworthy information included.

Prof. Dr. Ossama bin Abdul Majed Shobokshi, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, Germany

With pleasure I received a copy of your very special commemorative publication. Indeed this edition is well written. The fine glossy paper used, reflects the magnificent appearance of the book.

HE Ali Al-Sammak, Kuwaiti Ambassador, Canada

Thank you for providing us with the latest copy of your Special Commemorative Edition. We congratulate you on a job well done for the benefit of future generations.

HE Cheng Shuping, Ambassador of China, Vanuatu

Please accept my heartfelt appreciation and congratulations on the issuing of the publication. I am sure that this publication will impress a lot of people. Even just a quick look through this edition, one could easily see your meticulous and talented efforts involved.

HE Nazar Al Khairullah, Ambassador for Iraq, Egypt

With great pleasure I have received the valuable complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. The book contains a perfect selection of many remarkably important topics. In addition to this, the high-quality print and the unique design of the book are more than impressive.

Mr. Carlos Alfonso Iglesias Puente, Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Brazil, South Africa

I would like to thank you for sending us your publication; it is most informative and interesting.

Ms. Rigela Brauer Holva, Embassy of Brazil, Sweden

Thank you for the copy. The publication is very good and undoubtedly it is an edition of interest to the Embassy.

Mr. Eduardo dos Santos, Ambassador of Brazil, Paraguay

I want to thank you for having sent me your special commemorative publication, which I appreciated greatly. I also congratulate Brooklands New Media for this comprehensive work. It is a great honor for us to have such a quality publication.

Mr. Earle Courtenay Rattray, Ambassador of Jamaica, China

This serves to acknowledge receipt of your letter in which you enclosed a copy of your special commemorative edition. The Embassy would like to express heartfelt thanks for your kind give of this impressive publication.

Sir Tom Phillips, Ambassador for Britain, Saudi Arabia

Many thanks for sending me a copy of the special commemorative edition. This is a splendid publication, which I much appreciated.

Dato' Abdullah Sani Omar, High Commissioner for Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam

Thank you for the complimentary copy. I find it very interesting and informative.

Keizo M. Yuasa Chairman, BDC Japan Region

Thank you very much for sending the complimentary copy of which I duly received today. May I congratulate you and your staff for the excellent work and I shall treasure it.

Brita Wagener Ambassador to Iraq, Embassy of Germany, Iraq

The German Ambassador, Mrs. Brita Wagener, would like to thank you very much for sending the beautifully edited and very useful publication.

Bilal Emre BIRAL Ikinci Katip-Second Secretary, Turkish Embassy in Tehran

We received your book. Please accept our gratitude for this kind gift which we believe is the outcome of a very hard and cautious study. Please be sure that the Turkish Embassy in Tehran will examine the book with interest and pleasure.

Kemal Kaygisiz Ambassador, Embassy of Turkey, Mali

Thank you very much for the excellent publication which I received last week. I will keep it with pleasure as a reference book.

Office of H.E. Datuk Zakaria Sulong High Commissioner of Malaysia

His Excellency Datuk Zakaria Sulong, High Commissioner of Malaysia, thanks you for sending him his complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. It is very interesting and His Excellency would like extra copies to be distributed to our other Malaysia and UK agencies.

Major General Race Chien-Feng Yu, Defense Attaché, ROC Defense Mission to the USA, Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office in the US

I’d like to express my appreciation for the remarkable publication you sent me. This book documents various aspects with impressive pictures and pithy words, making it an extraordinary artwork with great meaning.

Rt Hon. Lord Strathclyde, Leader of the House of Lords, United Kingdom

Thank you for your letter enclosing the lavish copy of your special commemorative edition. It is a wonderful gift. I am sure that not only myself, but everyone lucky enough to receive a copy of this volume will treasure it for years to come.

Rt Hon. John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, United Kingdom

Thank you for your letter enclosing a copy of your special commemorative edition. This is a truly beautiful publication and I thank you for your generosity. 

The Lord Lieutenant of Shropshire, United Kingdom

I am really thrilled to have received a copy. It is a beautifully presented volume and your team have put together a very special collection. This is a special book which will give lasting pleasure to all those fortunate enough to own a copy.

Dr. Abdul Hakim Elwaer, Director of Human Resources, Science & Technology, African Union Commission

This is to kindly acknowledge receipt of the complimentary copy. I appreciate and commend your institution for the work and investment done from your part. This Publication will go a long way in raising public awareness. It will also stimulate partnerships with those who wish to support our work.

Mrs. Treasure Thembisile Maphanga, Director of Trade & Industry, African Union Commission

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of special commemoratives edition. I am glad to inform that the publication will be highly useful to our Department.

HE Saleh M. S. Al-Khaliwi, Director General of Saudi Customs, Saudi Arabia

With great gratitude and appreciation, I received your letter along with a complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. I am delighted to find invaluable information contained in this publication. I express once again my thanks to you and all your staff.

Rawan Khoury Director of Communications, Crown Prince Foundation

On behalf of Dr. Tamam Mango, CEO of the Crown Prince Foundation, allow me to thank you for sending us your special commemorative edition. We enjoyed this special edition and found it to be of great value.

Mr. Charles F. Bolden Jr., Administrator, NASA

On behalf of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, thank you for the copy of your book. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

Mr. Godwin Emefiele, Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria

We write to acknowledge with immense gratitude, the receipt of your beautifully bound Special publication. It was very well researched and impartial in presentation.

HE Dr. Mugheer Khamis Al Khaili, Chairman of the Health Authority Abu Dhabi, UAE

We would like to thank you and commend your efforts for this remarkable work.

Mr. Musaad Bin Abdulrahman Al-Drees, Director General, Saudi Ports Authority (MAWANI)

At the very outset, I would like to thank you for the complimentary copy of your publication. I take this opportunity to convey my profound appreciation for your endeavor and I have no hesitation to say that you have done an excellent job; the content is very informative.

Dawn Chew Director & Head of Corporate Communications, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Congratulations on the publication and thank you for the complimentary copy that was extended to Mr Menon. It was an enjoyable read. We would like to request 3 copies of the book for MAS’ library and a PDF version which will be shared internally with our employees.

Ibrahim Al Abed Director General, National Media Council, United Arab Emirates

Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the special commemorative edition. I would be very happy to give this out to our guests and distribute them to our Embassies abroad and would be grateful if you can send us as many copies as you can.

Brigadier Abdulla Al Hashmi Defence Attache, UAE Military Attache

Thank you very much for sending me a complimentary copy of the special commemorative edition. What a benchmark of illustration, editing and publishment of this book, excellent products.


I really appreciate your gesture and I shall be delighted if you could supply me with few more copies to be distributed to the High level members of the Australian Government, Educational Institutions and my international colleagues/ Defence Advisers.

H.H. Sheikh Faisal bin Saqr Al Qasimi Chairman, RAK Free Trade Zone

We would like to thank you for sending a complimentary copy to our Chairman, H.H.Sheikh Faisal bin Saqr Al Qasimi. The book is indeed very impressive and excellently done. 

Elham Nejim Technical Support Directorate Head, Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation

Amazing content.

Mr. Valentin Diez Morodo, President, Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment & Technology (COMCE)

I would like to thank you for the special commemorative edition of the book, which will be a part of my personal library,

HE Abdalla Salem El-Badri, Secretary General, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

I am writing to thank you for the special commemorative edition. This publication will be an informative addition to the Secretariat’s library.

General Secretary, Association of Football Federations of Azerbaijan (AFFA)

We would like to express our gratitude for putting together such a beautiful piece of work. We will make sure to treasure the edition.

Olivier Rabin Senior Executive Director, Sciences & International Partnerships, World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

I wanted to thank you for sending me a copy of your book. Very nice book that I will circulate immediately to my collaborators in the Science and Medicine Dept.

Rt Hon. Ben Chapman MP, Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary China Group, United Kingdom

I am delighted to have received copies of your excellent publication, which were recently distributed at the All Party Parliamentary China Group’s Annual Reception at the House of Commons. The event was attended by members of the APPCG as well as high profile representatives from the business, academic, media and policy communities. I have no doubt that they will all value the well documented history and background it contains. Such was the enthusiasm for it we had no copies left at the end of the evening.

Major General TP Evans, Commandant, The Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst

Thank you very much for my complimentary copy of the special commemorative edition. It was a great surprise and very much unexpected, such a truly magnificent copy to show the many overseas visitors that visit the Academy.

Prof. Yussuf Al Jindan, President of King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

I am extremely delighted to receive a copy of your special commemorative edition. We would like to congratulate you, your team of editors, writers and other contributors on this accomplishment as your sheer hard work, perseverance and determination have helped this publication acquire this outstanding status.

HE Dr. Bakri M'atoog Bakri Al-Assas, Rector of Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia

We gladly received a copy of your special edition. We thank you very much for this valuable gift. We appreciate your offer to send us more copies; we have VIPs who would be glad to receive copies of your edition and also the Central Library and other UQU officials. 

Bakri Assas Rector, Umm Al-Qura University

As a rector of Umm Al-Qura University I would like to express my deepest thanks for sending us a complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are very much appreciated.

Ghadeer AlAjmi Director of the National Archives and Indexing Department, National Library of Kuwait

Last week I received your complimentary copy, which I’m very thankful for. An amazing and valuable edition.

Chief Financial Officer, British Airways

Thank you very much indeed for sending this to me, it looks like an extremely interesting publication which I am looking forward to reading in detail.

Dr. Dieter Zetsche, President & CEO, DaimlerChrysler

Thank you very much for the copy. It’s a tremendously handsome volume, and equally as informative. It will enjoy a place of honor in my library.

Mr. Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros, President & CEO, DaimlerChrysler Espana

Congratulations for the excellent work done with this special publication.

Dr. Christoph Walther, Senior Vice President, DaimlerChrysler

We found the publication a very informative and refreshing read, exceptionally well designed and professionally produced. Everyone who has received your issue was very impressed.

Mr. Scott Keogh, Chief Marketing Officer, Audi of America

We certainly appreciate you taking the time to create such a wonderful edition and sharing it with us. We will keep in on hand and display it for all to view.

Dr. Saleh Alawaji, Chairman, Saudi Electricity Company (SEC)

With thanks and appreciation, I have received a copy of your special commemorative edition. I would like to thank you for the edition, which I believe, will be very valuable and useful to me.

Eng. Saleh N. Aljasser, Director General of Saudi Arabian Airlines

Thank you for a complimentary copy of your special edition. I thoroughly reviewed the book and found it very interesting and impressive. Your kind gesture is very much appreciated.

Mr. Emad Sultan, CEO, Kuwait Oil Company

Thank you very much for the fabulous publication. I am very grateful to receive this edition from you; which I shall treasure in my memorable collections for years ahead.

Mr. Maximo Pacheco, Chairman of the Board, Codelco

Thank you very much for the commemorative edition. I truly appreciate your publication and I’m very pleased with its contents and the quality of the edition.

Mr. Sudhir Vasudeva, Chairman, Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)

I am delighted to receive a copy of the Special VIP Commemorative edition. Having glanced through the publication, I find the quality of content as well as of photographs in this book are really excellent. I must compliment its Editorial Team for this brilliant piece of work.

Mr. David de Rothschild, Chairman, N M Rothschild & Sons Limited

This is a very special and interesting book and I am delighted to have it in my office in London. 

Mr. Georg Kapsch, Chief Executive Officer, Kapsch TrafficCom AG

Please accept my best thanks for sending me this extraordinary edition. I found this book well done, very informative and attractively designed.

Mr. Kris Nissen, Spokesman of the Management, Volkswagen (VW) Motorsport GmbH

It was a great pleasure for me to receive your special publication. I was truly impressed by the brilliant photographies and interesting background reports which are contained.

Mrs. Carolyn Hewson, Director, BHP Billiton

I am writing to extend my sincere thanks for my complimentary copy. I have found this publication interesting and informative, containing a well-rounded overview of the company’s past, present and future.

Brand & Marketing Communication Rolls-Royce Motor Cars HQ

Thank you very, very much for the copies of your publication. It really is a lovely book.

Klaus-Josef Rossfeldt Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motor Cars

I found the new book that has been published by your company. That was great! – Not only because it has been executed to a marvellous standard but more so as this offered the chance “to calm down” by reading and enjoying this fine piece of publication. You and your team have achieved an impressive result. Thank you very much indeed for having been so considerate not only to send a copy but to add a letter, too, with a note that I really do appreciate.

Andros Skalistis Marketing Manager, Char. Pilakoutas Ltd Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Cyprus

Thank you for our complimentary copy of the edition. It is a very valuable edition and we are sure our VIP customers will be pleased to receive this as a present. 

Antoine Nassar Marketing Manager, Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive Co. - Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Dealership

Thank you very much for the complimentary copy, which I just received. It’s certainly a beautiful piece of souvenir that every customer must have. 

Bevin Clayton General Manager, Trivett Classic Pty Ltd, Australia - Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Dealership

We did receive the complimentary copy and find it to be a fantastic selling tool for today and the future.

Emmanuel Gaillard Managing Partner, Shearman & Sterling

I have received the copy of the VIP commemorative edition. Thank you for sending it, it looks great.

Joel Dickson Chairman, Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum Library and Research Committee

The experience of going through the website was a great introduction to Brooklands New Media and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the publications you have created. Such a wide range of worldwide topics must require a huge amount of research. You have a unique style and approach that sets you apart from all publishers. Very nicely done.

Alwin A. Epple President & CEO, Mercedes-Benz Italia S.p.A.

I received the special edition of the book. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. You synthesized Mercedes Benz in a very interesting and animated way. My compliments!

Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros Chairman, DaimlerChrysler España, S.A.

Many thanks for your complimentary copy that you were kind enough to send to me. Congratulations for the excellent work done with this special publication.

Eddy Fischer National President, Mercedes-Benz Club of New Zealand Inc.

I have just received by mail what must be one of the best publications I have ever seen! The quality, contents and presentation are excellent. The understated white cover with silver lettering is very clever and invites you to explore further – congratulations on a benchmark publication.

Graham van Heerden President, Mercedes-Benz Club South Africa

Congratulations on a super publication!

Joerg-Dieter Huebner Technology Communications, BMW Press Dept

I’m very pleased to thank you for your Special Issue. It is an extremely well done edition. But as I knew already, I was convinced that your team will make a good job, and exactly this happened. Text, photos and layout are excellent. The cooperation with your colleagues was pleasant and without any problems. So it was no surprise for me that the edition was very well accepted by our management and staff.

Ken Sparks Manager, Corporate and Associate Communications, BMW Manufacturing Corp.

I must, first of all compliment you on the marvellous publication. I have given it a quick read and found it to be excellent. 

Trevor Mann Senior Vice President, Nissan Europe

Thank you for the copy. The book provides a very thorough look and has been compiled with a lot of thought and attention to detail.

Joe Castelli Vice President, Nissan North America

Just received the book. Wanted to say thank you and congratulate you on how well it is done. Much appreciated.

GM Media Archive

Thank you very much for the complimentary copy. It turned out beautifully!

Steven Harris Vice President of Global Communications, General Motors Corporation

Thank you for the copies. It’s a well done book.

Alex Sherbow Executive Communications, on behalf of Mary Barra, Chairman and CEO, General Motors

We greatly appreciate the copy. We plan to place the book in our GM library for many to enjoy.

Silvio Brusaferro President, National Institute of Health (ISS)

Thank you for sending me a copy of your special VIP commemorative edition. That continues to represent an important tool of knowledge and shows in detail the great work done over the years.

Amit Jain President & CEO, HealthPoint Services Global, Inc.

I have read this book cover to cover and gained amazing insights. 

Sarah Povey Acquisition & Growth Adviser, Shell Direct

Yes, we received them all thanks – I am distributing them today. It was very kind of you to send them – and so quickly! What great service.

Mamoudou Ousmanou Managing Director, McCarthy Sarl

I have just received a copy of the Special VIP Commemorative edition, thank you very much. A very nice edition and high quality printing. Am also happy to be among the people receiving it directly from you.

Oge Dan-Gogo P.A to the MD & C.E.O, Tilone Subsea Limited

The publication is superb and we love it!!!

Bruno Panel Director Int. Dept., Friedlander / Groupe Ortec

Mr. Bruno PANEL received your special commemorative edition in which we are glad to appear. We thank you very much.

Marlene Sim Customer Service Coordinator, Swagelok

I have received a copy of the publication. Thanks for the gesture and we find the edition very impressive and useful for us.


As we have 11 branches in our region covering Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, we sincerely seek for your kind consideration to provide us 10 copies of the edition so that our marketing and sales team can fully utilise the publication to drive sales growth in their respective branches. In that, we excitedly look forward to hearing a favorable reply from you as the additional copies are vital to our sales drive for the year.

Azemi Abu Bakar Managing Director, Golden Ecosystem Sdn. Bhd.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your complimentary copy of your special VIP commemorative edition. I find this publication is extremely exclusive and very valuable for our business networking. I am truly appreciated for this edition and looking forward for opportunity to join your future publication.

Marjorie Guilloux PA to the Chief Executive, Amec Foster Wheeler plc

On behalf of Samir Brikho, I would like to thank you for the copy of the special commemorative edition that we have received this afternoon. A wonderful keepsake!

Marcial E. Vilchez Regional Business Acquisition Manager, OneSubsea

Thanks very much for sending me a copy of the publication. I am going to enjoy this book a lot!!!!

Huda Al Ebri National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC)

Thank you and your team for your hard work and effort put to design and publish the book and sending the copies.

Leovigildo Garrett Nascimento Andre Direcção de Tecnologias de Informação, Sonangol

I was amazed to read about the other issues you have put out, and would like to show appreciation for the quality, depth and level of accuracy shown in each and every one of them. I have no doubt this next issue will follow the same principles.

Ramy Gobran Vice President, PSW & Gulf Region, HMM (America), Inc.

I received the special edition with many thanks! Nice work done, would like for you to kindly send me the PDF version to share with my employees internally.

Linda Geremia Sonangol Marine Services

Thank you very much for the commemorative book. It is a beautiful tribute.

Rolando Vega Sáenz CEO, Seguros Atlas, S.A.

I received the copy or your wonderful edition. I revised it briefly and truly think that you have done a remarkable job and the book is certainly worthy of a valued collection. I will be looking at it in more depth.

Nathalie Gaudillat Head of Marketing, Avanti Communications

I have just received the copy of the commemorative edition. It is a beautiful publication and very interesting.

Mazen Mohammed Starcom Mediavest Group for Saudi Telecom Company

So impressive what you have shared, I truly want to congratulate you & your company for this hard work & great achievements, wish you all the best.

Simone Roth Chief of Staff Office Specialist, Adecco Group

We looked at your website and you have great examples and nice publications. Congratulations on the fantastic comments you have received regarding your work – this is very impressive.

Mireille Crossley Executive Secretary to Thierry Baril, Chief HR Officer, Airbus

A short message to convey to you Mr Thierry Baril’s thanks for the beautiful book, which is a beautiful memento of a wonderful (ongoing) adventure.

Jonghyun Shin Director, Strategy & Planning Team Leader, Hanwha Techwin

We received the printed copy today. It looks great and fantastic.

Manoj Prasad Executive Vice Chairman & CEO, Que Capital Limited

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations for this. Amazing work.

Karla Kay Kreckel Assistant to General Manager, ThyssenKrupp Aerospace Germany GmbH

Congratulations to Brooklands New Media for their excellent job on combining Boeing’s outline of vision and success in an outstanding publication.

Dara Damania Vice Chairman & Group Representative for India, ThyssenKrupp AG

Thank you for the complimentary copy of the special commemorative issue. The publication has come out very well. I am sure our TK organisations in India would definitely be happy to receive a copy and we would also like to distribute to our clients and Government officials. For this purpose, if available with you, we would request for 100 copies for our distribution.

Maasa Onosaki Assistant to Mitsuya Yasui, Corporate Vice President Legal Division, Business Affairs, Fujitsu Ltd.

Thank you for sending us your commemorative edition. We are very impressed.

Crystal-Gail Richardson Marketing Officer, Fujitsu

We received a complimentary copy of the publication and found it to be very insightful and interesting; so much so that we would like all of our employees to receive a copy.

Laura Grau Communications, Siemens AG

Thank you very much for sending us a copy of the book. It looks very exclusive and we are very proud to be part of this special edition.


We can tell the book has been crafted with great care and dedication and are thankful for your hard work in pulling the pieces together.

Van Rex Gallard Vice President, Africa, Latin America & Caribbean Sales, Boeing

Thank you very much for the brilliant book.

Dan Loyola Cabin Experience Network PI, Boeing

I want to let you know I received the subject book you sent. Thank you for sending me a copy. It’s a beautiful book and it’s made really well. Quality is top notch.

Sandrine Alamargot Communication Department, GTT

I confirm safe receipt of the book. Thank you very much for sending this complimentary copy. It looks beautiful and very qualitative.

Joan Hsuean Asst. Buyer - Ecom Foods, Costco Corporate

I really love this book you guys made. It was written poignantly and very insightful! I love it. Thank you. I will be saving that as a memorabilia.

Romina Silva Directora, Oil & Gas, Banco BNI

On behalf of our PCA, Mr. Mário Palhares, we would like to congratulate Brooklands New Media for the excellent job you have done with this publication. 

David Eldon Chairman, HSBC Bank Middle East

Thank you for the very elegant and superbly produced commemorative edition. It is received with great pleasure and thanks. An excellent tribute.

Bethel Obioma First Bank of Nigeria Plc

I write to confirm receipt of the special publication and must say it was a beautiful one!

Mai Ta Thu Marketing Manager, Saigon – Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHB)

I’m so glad to tell you that we’d received the publication yesterday. Its printing quality is so good, and also the content, thank you.

Cyndi Newcomer BBDO New York, For client: ExxonMobil

Thank you so much for sending me a copy of the commemorative book. What a pleasant surprise to receive on my desk this Friday morning. It looks beautiful!

Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter Chairman, Grupo Gerdau

Thank you for the wonderful edition. Really good.

Federico Sada González Fmr President and CEO, Vitro, S.A. de C.V

Thank you very much for the complimentary copy of your special commemorative edition. I take this opportunity to congratulate you for this special work.