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About Us

Brooklands New Media Publishing Group (Brooklands New Media Ltd and Brooklands New Media Publishing Ltd) is a specialist publishing house, producing high-quality distinctive publications for industries, clients and corporate customers worldwide.

Adopting a fresh and thoroughly modern approach to print publishing, our mission is to create original books and magazines of the highest quality, which embody the following hallmarks: a compelling and timely editorial; an innovative and modern design; a powerful marketing platform; and a highly-targeted readership.

Brooklands New Media is one of the world’s leading book publishers producing books on the leading private, public and state owned corporations and multinational organisations and global brands for over 25 years.

Our publications are distributed regionally, nationally and worldwide on a controlled basis to our clients and their customers. Our distinctive approach to publishing provides clients with a highly-effective marketing communications platform as well as an interesting and timely read.

Our Services

We produce independent and client-supported publications as well as specific corporate projects for major corporations, organisations, and leading brands and industries covering the business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets.